Hillslope Management Units data

The Hillslope Management Units contain the Melton Ratio calculations and the Rainfall Induced Landslide calculations.

You can downloaded the North Island Hillslope Management Units here: North Island Hillslope Management Units

Field Data Description

area_haArea in hectares
hs_idUnique identifier for each hillslope unit
ni_hs_minNorth Island Minimum elevation (in meters) for each Hillslope unit derived from a DEM generated from LiDAR data and required to calculate the Melton Ratios
ni_hs_maxNorth Island Maximum elevation (in meters) for each Hillslope unit derived from a DEM generated from LiDAR data and required to calculate the Melton Ratios
area_m2Area in meters squared
melton_ratThe Melton Ratio for each hillslopt unit
HB_RILProbRainfall induced landslide probability using the East Coast (Hawkes Bay) Model

You can downloaded the South Island Hillslope Management Units here: South Island Hillslope Management Units

Field Data Description

si_hs_minSouth Island Minimum elevation (in meters) for each Hillslope unit derived from a DEM generated from LiDAR data and required to calculate the Melton Ratios
si_hs_maxNorth Island Maximum elevation (in meters) for each Hillslope unit derived from a DEM generated from LiDAR data and required to calculate the Melton Ratios
area_m2Area in meters squared
melton_ratThe Melton Ratio for each hillslopt unit
area_haArea in hectares
hs_idUnique identifier for each hillslope unit
si_hs_RILPSouth Island Rainfall Induced Landslide Probability for each hillslope unit using the West Coast Model

Please read the GNS Landslide Data Disclaimer

The Hillslope Unit Layer in a GIS visualised by the Rainfall Induced Landslide Probability
The Hillslope Unit Layer in a GIS visualised by the Melton Ratio